Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Your Syracuse Home’s Exterior

– Importance of regular exterior maintenance in Syracuse’s variable climate

– Benefits: preserving home value, preventing weather-related damage, enhancing curb appeal


Spring (March-May):

  1. Inspect and clean gutters after winter ice and snow
  2. Check for frost heave damage to foundation and walkways
  3. Examine roof for ice dam damage and missing shingles
  4. Power wash salt residue from siding and concrete surfaces
  5. Inspect and repair window screens before mosquito season

Summer (June-August):

  1. Touch up exterior paint during dry weather
  2. Check for carpenter ant infestations common in Syracuse
  3. Clean and maintain air conditioning units
  4. Seal asphalt driveways to protect from summer heat
  5. Trim trees and bushes away from the house to prevent moisture issues

Fall (September-November):

  1. Clean gutters frequently due to abundant maple and oak trees
  2. Inspect and clean chimney before heating season
  3. Seal gaps and cracks to prevent heat loss in harsh winters
  4. Drain and store outdoor water features and hoses before first frost
  5. Check roof and siding integrity before heavy snow season

Winter (December-February):

  1. Remove ice dams from gutters and roof edges (common in Syracuse)
  2. Clear snow from walkways, driveways, and roof after heavy lake effect snow
  3. Check attic insulation and ventilation to prevent ice dams
  4. Monitor for and address any ice formation on exterior walls
  5. Inspect and maintain snow blower for frequent use

Syracuse-Specific Tips:

  1. Prepare for lake effect snow: Reinforce gutters and downspouts
  2. Salt-proof your landscape: Choose salt-tolerant plants near roads and walkways
  3. Consider snow fencing to manage drifts in open areas
  4. Invest in quality weatherstripping for doors and windows to combat cold winters
  5. Regular maintenance of sump pumps due to spring thaws and rain


Living in Syracuse means experiencing the full spectrum of seasonal changes, from harsh winters to humid summers. Regular maintenance of your home’s exterior isn’t just about curb appeal—it’s a necessity for protecting your investment against our unique Central New York climate.

By following this seasonal guide, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges each season brings. Remember, the key to effective home maintenance in Syracuse is proactivity. Addressing small issues before they become major problems can save you significant time and money in the long run.

Our city’s weather patterns, from lake effect snow to spring thaws, demand vigilance. But with consistent care, your home can withstand whatever Mother Nature throws at it, maintaining its value and your comfort for years to come.

Keep the changing seasons from catching you off guard. Start implementing these Syracuse-specific maintenance tips today, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained home.

Don’t wait – give your home the care it deserves. Call us now to schedule your exterior painting project!